Keep Colorado Local


Keep Colorado Local, a coalition of Colorado’s craft brewers, distillers, vintners and local liquor store owners is currently fighting a proposal backed by giant out-of-state corporate interests (Walmart, Safeway, Kroger, etc) that would risk the destruction of Colorado’s thriving craft economy. In service to that effort, an early digital advertising campaign (targeted to unique geo-grids and IP addresses surrounding prominent liquor stores and big-box stores), a grassroots engagement campaign (Tablet kiosks in ten high-traffic liquor stores and breweries) and a partner acquisition effort (Daily Kos and Care2 opt-in list arrangement) began running during the Nov. 15th - Jan. 31st holiday peak season. 

We structured the campaign to take advantage of significantly increased consumer traffic at liquor stores, breweries and big-box grocery store chains during this holiday rush, giving them timely and relevant content, while encouraging list growth for future communications and donor solicitation activity down the road.

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